What Architects Say is the Best Flooring for Elevators
Your elevator may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of what type of flooring to place in a new building or upcoming remodel—but it must not be forgotten. Even if you rent your building, there are plenty of ways you can upgrade your elevator comfort, safety, and design—with temporary flooring solutions. Below we detail some of your best options, as well as what architects suggest as the best flooring for your elevators.
Non-Slip Vinyl flooring
We offer an impressive selection of non-slip vinyl composition tile (VCT). Don’t let the name fool you as this versatile choice is the top pick for most architects. It is durable and creates a safe and comfortable surface within your elevator. From a design perspective, you can order your VCT in hundreds of colors and patterns, and even to mimic the look of natural wood, stone, marble, and concrete. If there is a style you want to achieve, you will have plenty of options.
Upgrading Existing Elevator Flooring
If your current elevator flooring is old, scuffed, or no longer meshes with your interior design—we have many options for you to choose from. In many cases, our VCT, non-slip rubber flooring, and commercial carpeting can be quickly and easily overlaid on top of your existing floors. Our installation goal is to minimize your downtime, and improve the safety and beauty of your elevator.
Upgrade Your Entire Elevator
If your elevator walls leave much to be desired, reach out to the Source floor team to discuss your options in Acrovyn wall covering. These class 1 fire-rated sheets are durable, and come in 64 colors, 18 patterns, and 13 textures. These sheets can beautify your dated elevators, while providing a durable solution for your maintenance and freight elevators.
Don’t Forget Your Commercial Elevator Mats
Along with your flooring upgrade, or initial installation—you must consider the need for commercial elevator floor mats. The type of mat you require will vary depending on placement, weather, and your branding goals. Here are a few options to consider:
- Place a dryer/scraper mat in front of the lobby elevators to minimize the remaining dirt, debris, and water tracked in on your patron’s shoes.
- Place a thin interior mat inside your elevators for a bit of added cushion and comfort.
- Place a branded mat outside of the elevator, letting your clients know they are on the right floor.
- Place a logo inlaid matt inside a vintage building in which you do not have the freedom to change the flooring.
- Consider directional elevator mats with arrows, or section indicators strategically throughout buildings with multiple elevators.
- Create a branded, logo, or functional commercial mat design for essential exits, entrances, hallways, elevator interiors, and elevator exteriors.
- Place a durable overlay to protect your service elevator floors.
These are just a handful of options for your commercial space. If you are looking for the best flooring for your elevators, reach out to the Source Floor team today to discuss a safe, comfortable, and aesthetically appealing commercial flooring solution.
I need some suggestions for new elevator floors
We can help you with that! Send us a sketch with dimensions (as shown here, on our Elevator Mats page) and we can get started on a quote!
what do you have for vandal and waterproof elevator floors. platform is getting destroyed by urine and water
Unfortunately, nothing is 100% vandal-proof – people will destroy anything if they want to badly enough! But for more benign types of vandalism (i.e. urine), resilient flooring meant for healthcare applications could work for you. They’re designed to be completely resistant to biohazard contaminants and to provide a seal between the subfloor and the surface.