Still renting your entrance mats?

Especially now more than ever, commercial building operators are looking for ways to reduce their janitorial spending while still maintaining high standards of cleanliness. And if you’re still using a rental mat service, there’s huge savings to be had right under your feet!
Stop wasting money on rental mats. Here’s three quick reasons why buying is better:
1. Costs less than rentals.
$10/week rental sounds cheap – until you do the math:
“Only” ten dollars a week works out to $520 per year – that’s a lot of money for something you don’t even own! Even if you ignore the massive difference in quality between a floppy rental mat and a top-of-the-line Grizzly FX mat with heavy duty safety edging, the Grizzly FX mat breaks even with the rental after less than 8 months of rental fees.
And that’s not the end of the savings – a Grizzly FX mat keeps on saving you money over the next 5+ years to come! Grizzly FX mats are rated for super heavy duty traffic levels of 1,000,000 footsteps a year. Your Grizzly FX mat will give you years and years of reliable, attractive service – and save you a bundle the whole time.
2. Stops the flop.
Everybody’s seen a mat that looks like this:
Doesn’t make a very good first impression, does it? But our mats don’t do that – and they always look fantastic.
All of our bearmats (Grizzly FX, Kermode, Sunbear, and Koala) are made with flop-proof, safety ramped vinyl edging that virtually eliminates flopping, curling, and buckling. No more lumpy, wavy, flopped-over-corner tripping hazards at your front door with bearmats.
3. Real flooring – not laundry.
Typical rental mats tout that they’re “launderable”…as if that’s a good thing! Big floppy bath towels are also launderable, but that certainly doesn’t mean that they’re good entrance mats. Being able to be washed like laundry means that rental mats need to be flexible and floppy – good as laundry, but terrible as flooring! Entrance flooring should be sturdy, stable, and safe to walk on.
Bearmats are real flooring – not laundry – but that doesn’t mean that bearmats are hard to clean. Just the opposite, in fact – you already know how to clean them!
There’s nothing difficult or unknown about the maintenance requirements of bearmats – it’s exactly the same as taking care of all the other carpet you already have throughout your office spaces. Simply vacuum daily, shampoo periodically, and spot-clean as necessary – it’s as simple as that. All our bearmats products need only the same care and maintenance that your other flooring does, because bearmats are real flooring…not laundry.
Get in touch with us today to find out how much you could be saving on your entrance matting…you’ll be glad you did.