Preventing slip-and-fall accidents by residents is a top priority in a healthcare setting – and the right entrance matting can reduce these types of incidents.
Installing entrance floor mats at exterior entry points and critical areas goes a long way in preventing debris and moisture from being carried inside healthcare spaces. Matting also provides a slip-resistant surface as one walks in, reducing the possibility of a slip and fall at the entrance. Entrance mats can be used both in the interiors as well as the exteriors of the premises, such as vestibules, covered walkways, and other areas. Safety, durability, required level of maintenance, and ease of cleaning are primary considerations when you decide to invest in a floor mat to reduce the chance of slip and fall mishaps.
Commercial-quality, high-performance matting – not floppy, sloppy rental matting – is sturdy enough to lay flat on your floor and resist shifting even under walker, wheelchair, and gurney traffic.
Flooring is a known factor that can contribute to intelligent and carefully planned healthcare design, with medical experts now recognizing the importance of the interior as part of the healing process. Did you know that about 90% of the cost of a floor comes from the perpetual care and maintenance over its entire service life?  Chemicals, coatings, and special equipment make cleaning both complex and costly – impacting your operational optimization, and efficiency.
21st-century healthcare design is about the creation of comfortable, relaxed environments that are safe, clean, and welcoming.  An uplifting environment with a positive ambience can inspire health and well-being amongst patients, staff, and visitors.  The choice of floorcovering, when part of the complete design concept, can have a major impact on the ‘feel’ of a hospital or assisted living facility, making a real difference to the patient and resident experience.

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